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Episode 1


A young vampire boy saves a girl from a bloodthirsty vampire. Years later, Yuki Cross, a member of the school’s Disciplinary Committee, recalls how Kaname Kuran, one of the Night Class students, saved her life. The headmaster explains his hope for Cross Academy to be a start for the coexistence between vampires and humans, which Zero finds unrealistic. After a confrontation with Aido and Akatsuki, who attempt to drink Yuki’s blood, Kaname intervenes. Zero’s deepening conflict with vampires and his struggle with his own bloodlust become more evident. 


In the opening scene, a little girl is lost in a snowstorm when a vampire attempts to drink her blood. A young vampire boy intervenes, killing the attacker and declaring it a disgrace to all vampires. He helps the girl to her feet and asks if she’s alright. Years later, at Cross Academy, Yuki Cross, the headmaster’s daughter and a member of the Disciplinary Committee, tries to send the Day Class students back to their dorms as they wait for the Night Class to emerge. The students accuse her of wanting to monopolize the Night Class for herself, but she’s too late. The gates to the Moon dormitory open, revealing the Night Class students. Hanabusa Aido catches the attention of the Day Class girls, and as they crowd around him, Yuki is pushed to the ground. Kaname Kuran, one of the Night Class students, checks on her, and she recalls how he saved her life years ago. He dismisses her gratitude, but as he pats her on the head, Zero Kiryuu, another member of the Disciplinary Committee, interrupts, reminding Kaname that class is starting. As the Night Class heads to class, two Day Class girls offer Kaname flowers and a card, but Zero scares them off. He and Yuki have a brief argument about his tardiness for his duties, and Zero makes it clear that he doesn’t care about her feelings for Kaname. Yuki, however, reassures him that she is aware that Kaname, as a vampire, is different from them. Meanwhile, Seiren offers to hold the flowers and card for Kaname, which he accepts, using his powers to wither the flowers. In class, the teacher announces the global success of the blood tablets developed by the Night Class, which have become a source of pride for the school and the vampire community. Aido complains about Zero’s disrespect toward Kaname, and Senri Shiki remarks on Yuki looking tasty, which causes Kaname and much of the Night Class to react.

In the headmaster’s office, Zero asks for more disciplinary committee members, but the headmaster rejects the request, explaining that the Night Class’s true identities must remain a secret to ensure peaceful coexistence between vampires and humans. Therefore, he must depend on Zero and Yuki, who he views as his children, though Zero disagrees. The headmaster discusses his pacifist ideals and hope for coexistence between vampires and humans, which frustrate Zero. Yuki, on the other hand, believes in the headmaster’s dream and defends Kaname, stating that he is different from other vampires. A flashback reveals that when Yuki was five, Kaname brought her to the headmaster’s house, marking the beginning of her life. Yuki reflects that she wouldn’t be here without Kaname, who is her origin. While patrolling, Yuki encounters Takuma Ichijo and Kaname, who notice her and find her intriguing. Kaname comments that she is a bright contrast to the Night Class’s usual dark existence. Elsewhere, Zero, feeling ill, accidentally drops a box of blood tablets. Later, Yuki and Zero both end up in detention for sleeping in class. Yuki tries to convince her friend Yori to join her, but Yori refuses, noting that Zero has already skipped out on detention. Afterward, Yuki finds Zero sleeping in the stables next to the horse Lily, and while there, Lily scares her off and hides Zero’s blood tablets.

During her night patrol, Yuki spots two Day Class girls who are out past curfew, wanting to take photos of the Night Class. When one of the girls is injured, Yuki orders them to return to their dorm. She senses someone nearby and prepares for confrontation. Aido and Kain Akatsuki emerge after smelling blood, and Aido finds Yuki’s blood from a cut on her hand to be appealing. The girls faint upon realizing Aido is a vampire. Just as he prepares to drink from her neck, Zero arrives, brandishing his gun and warning Aido to stop. Kaname intervenes, calmly disarming Zero and taking Aido and Akatsuki away, ensuring the two girls’ memories are erased. Zero expresses his disdain for vampires and their attraction to blood, while Yuki wonders if there’s a way to heal the darkness in Zero’s heart. The next day, Yuki reflects on how close she would have been to becoming a vampire herself when Aido bit her if following the tales about vampires were true. Zero, looking at her neck, struggles with his own bloodlust. Meanwhile, in the Moon dormitory, Aido admits he couldn’t resist Yuki’s blood, despite the consequences. Kaname, overhearing, slaps Aido in anger before walking away, leaving Aido to apologize.