Episode 8
Ichijo learns his powerful and feared grandfather, Asato "Ichio" Ichijo, will visit the Moon Dormitory, sparking unease among the Night Class. Despite Ichijo's concerns, Kaname insists on greeting Ichio, who arrives dramatically and reminds Kaname of his rejection of his guardianship. Appearing as if he seeks Kaname’s pure blood, Ichio grabs Kaname’s hand, prompting Hanabusa and Ruka to intervene. Kaname apologizes for Aido’s rudeness before Ichio kneels and kisses his hand. Later, Ruka laments Kaname’s refusal of her blood, while Ichio warns Ichijo to observe Kaname. Meanwhile, Zero receives his first vampire hunter assignment to eliminate a Level E serial killer and tracks the target to an abandoned building, where Rima, Shiki, and Yuki also converge. Zero ultimately kills the vampire, but a mysterious girl observing the scene resolves to join Cross Academy.
Ichijo knocks on Kaname’s door only to hear no response. He turns to find Rima, Shiki, Aido, Akatsuki, and Ruka, who wonder if Kaname has locked himself in his room again. Ichijo reassures them, attributing it to Kaname’s preoccupations. A maid interrupts, handing Ichijo a request for dormitory stay that requires a signature. Upon reading it, Ichijo reacts with shock and fear, revealing that his grandfather, Asato "Ichio" Ichijo, will be arriving that night. Ichijo explains that Ichio is the head of the influential Ichijo Group in the human world and a senior member of the vampire Senate in the night world. When Akatsuki questions the reason for Ichio's visit, Ichijo expresses concern about the peace of the dorm being disrupted. Ruka dismisses the need for fear, noting that the Senate governs but does not rule them directly.
That evening, many Night Class students gather at the Moon Dormitory entrance, curious about Ichio. Ruka questions his reputation, and Akatsuki describes Ichio as a centuries-old monster. Shiki wonders who is scarier: Ichio or the pureblood Kaname. As Kaname descends the stairs, Ichijo tries to dissuade him from meeting Ichio, but Kaname insists on greeting him. Ichio arrives dramatically, thanking the students for their welcome and addressing Kaname directly, reminding him of his refusal to let Ichio be his guardian. Kaname calmly replies that he did not want to be pampered. Ichio grabs Kaname’s hand, expressing a desire for his pure blood, prompting Hanabusa to intervene and Ruka to pull Kaname away. Aido reminds Ichio that seeking blood from a pureblood is taboo, but Kaname slaps Aido for his rudeness and apologizes to Ichio, who then kneels and kisses Kaname’s hand. Later, Ruka offers her blood to Kaname, but he refuses, leaving her distraught. Akatsuki consoles her, explaining that vampires drink each other’s blood to fulfill longings, but her blood may not satisfy Kaname’s needs.
As Ichio departs, he warns Ichijo that his presence at the academy is contingent on serving and observing Kaname’s every move. However, Ichijo asserts that he will not harm Kaname. Outside, Yuki and Zero escort Ichio out, after which Zero expresses suspicion about Kaname's intentions for Yuki. She insists she has never wanted to give her blood to Kaname. Meanwhile, Cross informs Zero of his first official vampire hunter assignment: eliminating a Level E serial killer to prove himself to the Hunter’s Society.
Skipping class, Zero tracks the Level E to an abandoned building, where Rima and Shiki, sent by the Senate to handle the same target, also arrive. They encounter Yuki before entering. Inside, Zero confronts the Level E, who admits to killing four teenage girls, but escapes his initial attack. Hearing gunfire, Yuki, Rima, and Shiki rush in and spot the Level E on a staircase. Shiki attacks with a blood whip, though the Level E eludes him. Zero ultimately finds and kills the vampire. Observing the scene through a crow, a mysterious girl decides she will soon join Cross Academy.
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