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Episode 13


Shizuka refuses Ichiru's offer of blood, explaining that it’s too late for her. In a flashback, she reveals to Ichiru that she turned Zero into a vampire because he would continue to resist unlike Ichiru. She acknowledges that she likes Ichiru but keeps her distance to avoid his destruction. Meanwhile, Zero finds Shizuka’s shattered body, and Ichiru reveals she never drank his blood. Later, Kaname reflects on Shizuka’s past and her search for something at Cross Academy. Kaname learns to control his new power and apologizes to Yuki for getting her involved in an issue between vampires. Cross checks on Zero, who struggles with his thirst, and Kaname forces him to drink his blood.


Ichiru tells Shizuka to drink his blood to heal. She refuses, explaining that his blood is the one she will note drink and that it is too late for her as she begins to fade away. In a flashback, Ichiru questions Shizuka about why she turned Zero into a vampire but not him. Shizuka explains that turning him into a vampire would make him her servant, unable to speak freely, whereas Zero would not easily submit and, therefore, not be boring. Shizuka shares her past with Ichiru, telling him about a vampire servant she once had, who, after being turned into a vampire, resented her but still followed her when she asked him to run away with her. After he was killed, Shizuka sought revenge and killed Ichiru and Zero’s parents. She kisses Ichiru, teasing him. He responds by telling her to stop pretending when she doesn’t like him. Shizuka admits that she does like him, although she keeps a distance to prevent the inevitable destruction that comes to those who become attached to a pureblood. Meanwhile, Zero’s body reacts as he nears Shizuka’s room. When he enters, Ichiru is holding Shizuka’s shattering body and tells Zero that Shizuka never wanted his blood. Zero tells Ichiru that Shizuka just wanted him to remain as he was and understands that feeling, as he, too, has someone he does not want to turn into a vampire. Ichiru leaves, telling Zero he is no longer the brother he envies or hates. Zero struggles with his urges until Yuki appears. Later, Akatsuki attempts to enter the room where Shizuka’s shattered body lies, but Yuki fails to stop him. Cross is by the window, surrounded by the remnants of Shizuka’s body, and tells Yuki that Zero has been taken to the Society’s medical clinic for treatment. Kaname reminisces about meeting Shizuka in the past, and the next day, Yuki takes notes for Zero, asking Cross when he will return. Cross says it won’t take long but that the Society wants to keep him longer. Akatsuki and Aido report to Kaname about Shizuka’s shattered body. Kaname remarks that Zero would not do something foolish but would have to report it to the Senate as is even if people assume Zero killed Shizuka. Aido tells Akatsuki that Shizuka had a pureblood fiancé but loved an ex-human, leading to her vengeance on the Kiryuus. Aido speculates that Shizuka came to Cross Academy to find something, though it was dangerous for her, as she was being chased by the Senate and does not believe her to be the only one searching for it either. Kaname, in his room, shatters a window as he learns to control his new powers. He apologizes to Yuki for involving her in the situation but acknowledges that Zero is currently incapable of protecting her due to his circumstances. Cross later checks on Zero in a dungeon, who is struggling with his blood thirst, urging Cross and Yagari to give up on him. Cross refuses, stating that Yuki is waiting for him. When a noise is heard, Yagari and Cross go out, concerned that the Senate has already learned of Shizuka’s death. Kaname appears and forces Zero to drink his blood to calm his thirst, noting it is a shame that Zero never got to drink Shizuka’s blood. The Night Class detects the scent of Kaname’s blood.