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Episode 5


Cross activates an old vampire hunter spell allowing Yuki to immobilize Zero if necessary. A Level E vampire attacks Yuki, but Zero and Night Class members intervene, leading Yuki to the Moon Dormitory for answers. There, she learns about the vampire hierarchy and Kaname's influence as a pureblood. Tensions peak when Zero points a gun at Kaname, highlighting the fragile peace between them. At Ichijo’s birthday party, Yuki feels out of place and leaves. Zero’s inability to suppress his bloodlust nearly leads him to bite her, but she calms him down by throwing them into a pool. Yagari’s sudden intervention reveals his connection to Zero.


An unknown man smoking a cigarette is briefly seen, foreshadowing his arrival. Meanwhile, Zero places a drop of blood on Yuki’s bracelet, activating an old vampire hunter spell that immobilizes him when the bracelet touches the tattoo on his neck. Cross explains that this condition, set by Kaname, allows Zero to remain in the Day Class. Soon, the cigarette-smoking man arrives at Cross Academy.
While patrolling at night, Yuki spots Kaname leaning by a window. Though tempted to approach him, she recalls her determination to protect Zero and leaves. Kaname quietly observes her departure. The next day, Yuki and her friend Yori hear rumors about a new ethics lecturer. The man from before, Toga Yagari, enters and introduces himself as the new teacher, shocking Zero. When a Day Class student asked about his eyepatch, Yagari cryptically reveals it was "compensation for a life," prompting Zero to leave. Yuki chases after him and finds Cross waiting at the gates.

Later, while running errands, Yuki enjoys a sundae but notices Zero acting distant. A waitress’s comment about him resembling the Night Class unnerves him, and he steps outside, sensing a nearby vampire. A Level E vampire ambushes Yuki, praising the scent of her blood. Though she defends herself with her rod, she freezes in fear. Zero arrives and attacks the vampire before Ichijo and Shiki arrive and kill it. Ichijo invites Yuki to the Moon Dormitory for answers.

Yuki insists on going, and Zero reluctantly joins her. Before entering, Zero hands her an anti-vampire pistol, explaining it’s for him if he ever loses control. Yuki refuses to accept his grim prediction but makes him promise to fight his fate. At the Moon Dormitory, they are escorted by Aido and Akatsuki, who disdainfully note their presence. Inside, Ichijo cheerfully welcomes them to his birthday party, but Yuki’s questions about the Level E’s death lead to a tense discussion. Ichijo explains the vampire hierarchy with Level D vampires being the lowest rank and Level Es not even making it into the hierarchy. Kaname defends his order to eliminate the Level E, emphasizing the responsibility of noble vampires to manage those turned against their will.

Tensions rise when Zero points his gun at Kaname, who dismisses the threat but warns him about the precarious peace between vampires and hunters. Aido and the Night Class’s loyalty to the pureblood Kaname underscores the divide between humans and vampires, leaving Yuki uneasy as she learns Kaname is a Pureblood, like the vampire that killed Zero’s family. When Kaname asks if she fears him, Yuki admits to being slightly scared, but their conversation is interrupted by Ichijo, who lightens the mood with his birthday celebration.

During the party, Yuki feels out of place as vampires dance and drink each other’s blood. She leaves to find Zero struggling with blood tablets. Unable to take them, his bloodlust overwhelms him, and he nearly bites Yuki. She throws them into a pool, calming him down. As they resurface, Yagari appears and shoots Zero in the arm, who addresses Yagari as “Master,” revealing a deeper connection between them.